Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Speak Out

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the impoverished, and I did not speak out - Because I was not impoverished.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the disabled, and I did not speak out - Because I was not disabled. 
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out - Because I am not a Muslim.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. (Niemoller)
Allow me to speak for myself, while there are still people to listen. I am a woman. I am white. I am educated. I have food. I have a bed. I have clean water. I have left over money at the end of the month. I have a family. I have friends. I have a job. I have a future.
I do NOT have patience for hatred. I might be amongst the most privileged percentage of people in the world, but I am not better or more deserving than any body. None of us are. Until we treat each other better, and actually pay attention to what history can teach us, things will only get worse. Nobody is fully protected. Legislation and laws do not dictate your kindness until you let them. Do not let them. We all have struggles, and more of these struggles may be thrust upon us, but there is strength in numbers. Do not accept division.
We're human BEings. Let's BE the change we want to see in the world. Let's BE empowered. Let's BE examples of goodness, and love. Let's BE determined. Let's BE the peaceful opposition that cannot be defeated. Let's BE fierce.  Let's BE together as a world that can BE better. Let's BE strong.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Donald Trump's Inauguration. Seriously.

If you've read my blog previously, you might have noticed that I've written a fair bit about the fiasco that is Donald Trump and his being elected as President of the United States. You might wonder why I'm so bothered, I mean, I'm British, don't I have enough political issues on my mind as it is? Well yeah. I do. But at least I can get round most of them by thanking God my dad's Northern Irish and getting an Irish passport. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, America's a humongous player on the world stage, it's actions cannot be ignored.

It is horrendous that a person who's been accused of sexual assault, has said so many disgustingly racist and sexist things, is now the President of the United States with only 46% of the popular vote, because the Russians got involved. Those facts disappoint me incredibly. Unfortunately, however, it is done now, but I don't mean that in a defeatist sense at all. I actually think some good can, and already has come out of this election. Considering the only way to get through times of difficulty is to be honest about them, and then inject as much positivity into the situation as possible, hear me out.

Tomorrow, women are going to march on Washington. This is the website that tells you all about it: https://www.womensmarch.com/. This march, though it's bloody irritating that it needs to take place, amazingly, and thankfully, embodies true feminism as 'Women’s March on Washington (WMW) is for any person, regardless of gender or gender identity, who believes women’s rights are human rights.' - That's right from their FAQ, they are about EQUALITY, not men-bashing/hating, they just want it to be recognised that women are humans too and shouldn't be treated as less than any other human. If Hillary Clinton had followed Barack Obama into the White House, this march may very well have not taken place because both politicians appease more people than not. However, this doesn't mean that a march, a statement, a campaign, wouldn't have needed to take place, it just probably wouldn't have done.

On Wednesday night, people of the LGBTQ community danced in front of Mike Pence's (V.P.-to-be, very very very very very unfortunately) home. I think that's absolutely fantastic. Pence has been part of the 'Make America Great Again' nonsense, and has even suggested that conversion therapy should be introduced for homosexuals. He wants his 'land of the free, and home of the brave' back. So what did the people he's unbelievably horrible towards do? They demonstrated their freedom by dancing in his street, by moving their bodies, bodies they may have changed because they felt they were born into the wrong one, bodies that are attracted to bodies of their own type more than the opposite, or equally like both, bodies that Mike Pence has no right to harm in anyway shape or form. How brave and inspiring.
Music has often been one of the arts most used for protest, and this has definitely followed through to Donald Trump's election. Barely anybody has agreed to play at his inauguration, and those who have are nothing like Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen or U2, just some of the artists to perform at Barack Obama's inaugurations. The peaceful refusals are very honourable forms of protest. It can seem that when people are hurting they forget the hypocrisy in attacking someone for being horrible, by being horrible themselves, it doesn't work. In every conflict, 'killing them with kindness', is far more mature, surprises the opponent, and opens up productive discussion more so than violent opposition. Art and the legacy of Barack Obama has followed through with these new pieces from the same artist that created the 'Hope' poster of Obama. These are all available from the Amplifier Foundation as printables, with the hope that they are widely shared. 

 The foreseeable is definitely going to a difficult time for most, but that is no reason to feel defeated; the truest revolutions come from horrendous strife. I think as long as people stay kind, and good to one another, taking any opportunity they can to make a peaceful stand, things will get better. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

What I've Actually Learned During My Masters So Far

Doing a classic Laura and writing a blog post as a way of "productively" procrastinating. I currently have 7,500 more words of essays to write by 11am on 23rd January, a dissertation proposal to complete by 30th January, and a CV to prepare to start applying to jobs the second I have a chance. The way my situation is shaping up, applying to the 'dream job' won't be happening until the latter end of the year, and it'll probably be about 12 more months from them before I actually start it. Consequently, I need a proper graduate job that starts as close to May as possible! I might even stumble into a new dream job... Because a full time job, training to be a Special, writing a dissertation all at the same time is a good idea... I'll be off to Japan to visit my friend Caitlin at some point during all of it though, so a break will be had!! Alex has also promised me random weekends here, there and everywhere, so it's going to be one of the busiest years of my life, but also one of the most fun and rewarding I imagine.

Anywho, enough of the 'catch up', here's a quick list summarising how the beginning of a Masters can go for those who are wondering whether to do one, and for me who's snowed under and needs some inspiration!

1) My course is bloody fascinating
Already my course of Terrorism, Security and Policing has enhanced the basic knowledge I already had in those areas. In all honesty, most of it has come from my Terrorism module, but still! It's been fascinating hearing about all the different aspects of Terrorism, having facts revealed about leaders and groups I've never heard of, and of course debating what Terrorism actually is.

2) Being 22/23 is weird
I'm definitely one of the youngest on my course. There are lots of people around my age and that have joined the Masters course straight out of their undergraduate degree, but there are also a lot who older having had years out, or have had a full-blown career had have left that to further their education. It's mad. Both in the classroom and across my social media people are married/engaged/pregnant/parents, and then there's myself, still studying and looking forward to my own house and a job. That other stuff is so grown up, and I'm definitely not a grown up, I need to adventure in Asia, Australia and New Zealand first.

3) Master work is hard work
All of my essays are 4,000 words standard, whereas during my undergrad they were 2-3,000 words. The tutors set us up for this increased word count by giving us massively open questions, which can be really frustrating as it makes my mind pop how much information there is to digest and organise into a plan, but then I 'pop' with pride when the plan gets written and the essay comes together. It's definitely not easy, but it is worth it.

Or is it?

4) I should have done a marketing degree, and not bothered with a Masters
My dream job is to do with law enforcement/logistics/helping people, which is why I have studied the courses that I have. However, now that I'm looking around for jobs, most ask for undergraduate degrees, and if they specify an area of degree it's usually marketing/business or maths. AKA, not degrees I've gone anywhere near... I've also only seen one job outright ask for a Masters degree, but they only want it if you got a 2:2 for you undergrad, which I didn't, I got a 2:1. I can join my dream career areas without a degree, so it isn't too disheartening to myself as my degree motivations have all been personal, but I imagine it could be frustrating to others.

5) Alcohol is meaner to me now then ever before
This probably isn't directly related to my degree, but I have discovered this since September. I literally cannot sniff alcohol without knowing that I did so the next day either through headaches or lethargy or nausea, I'm really not used to this, but I'm all for looking after myself so not having a drink is fine by me!

6) Unless you know, you don't know
People try so hard to be all-knowing about adulting, and it's quite awkward really, because I've found that no one is all-knowing. Absolutely no human being can solve all your problems, or tell you what to do when it comes to growing up, you have to find it all our for yourself. I quite like that to be honest, it fits in with life being an adventure, but I wish 'know-it-alls' would just leave me to it, especially as they really don't have a whole clue. Most of my friends and I are currently just flowing through the enjoyment of figuring it all out, and I love it! This year is definitely my year to make the most of being the most calm and secure I've been in a long time and really set myself up for a full life.

7) Long distance friendships and relationships are hard but worth it
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Stick with your good people!! It'll be a struggle, but when things calm down or when you have a tough time, you'll be so grateful that you did. 
