Monday, 18 July 2016

Laura Frances McCann B.A. Hons, Pleased to Meet You

It's official; I am a graduate of Keele University!

I achieved a 2:1 overall, and am particularly proud that my Criminology dissertation was given a mark of 74. Who knew writing about superheros could be looked on so favourably? I think that shows that my choice to do a Criminology based Masters entitled 'Terrorism, Security and Policing' at the University of Leicester next year is good one.

I am not leaving Keele because my three years there have been terrible and I need to get away, quite the opposite in fact. My three years there have been so fantastic that I don't want to tarnish them with a very different fourth that will be far more intense academically, and will see the campus relatively empty of the people I've grown with since 2013. It's also really exciting to me to go off to another place and just see what happens, I mean, why not? I have no physical ties to anywhere so I'm really up for gypsying about for a bit. Also, the course is a dream for me, I can't wait to get that bit more serious and involved with pursuing my wanted career.

Graduation week last week was such a wonderful time with those that I've been close to at Keele. I hope I managed to express to them just how grateful I am for them all, and how proud I am for doing as well as they have done. It's insane how much has happened in these past three years, beyond earning a degree, and that this chapter of my life is now closed. I've moved out of my parents' house; learned to cook (ish...but seriously my Jack Daniels barbecued pork is gooood); established and moved on from relationships; shared a bathroom with 12 others despite having had my own bathroom for 10 years (only child perks); lived in another country for 4 months; become a cheerleader; found my first proper boyfriend and convinced him to stick around; managed to sustain long distance friendships; learned to save money and plan for the future; started this blog; recognised and saught help when dealing with mental illness; matured; calmed down; learned new things about myself; learned how to cope with people very different to me; changed my relationship with food; danced until dawn; created memories I will treasure for as long as possible. That still probably isn't everything. I feel incredibly blessed, and am eternally grateful that all of these things have happened, but it's time to move on. I can't wait for the future, to see who's paths continue to cross with mine, to see everyone achieve and continue to grow into fully fledged adults. It's all so exciting!
