Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Justice for the 96

27 years ago I was no near to being a live, or even thought of. However, 22 and a bit years ago, I was born, to a dad from Derry and a mum from Sunderland, in the city of Liverpool. After moving from Northern Ireland my dad came to support Everton, and my mum tries but fails to have any real idea about football. Despite all this, they always told me about what happened on 15th April 1989, I've always maintained a minute's silence at 5 past 3 on that day, and I've never bought a copy of The S*n newspaper. That's because what happened at Hillsborough football ground 27 years ago wasn't about football, it wasn't about what team you support, it was about 96 people that should have come home. Since then it has been about them of course, and the justice they deserve, but also about a city who's people have been attacked and severely let down. Liverpool is a city that has come together, and worked solidly together, and one I couldn't be prouder to come from.

Having grown up in Liverpool, I've constantly heard numerous stories from friends about their family members being there that day, and how glad they are that they made it out. It's insane to think that had things gone differently some of friends wouldn't be here now because their parents would have been killed before either of us were born. All of the ifs, buts and actualities of the disaster are heartbreaking. I'm so proud of Liverpool, and Liverpudlians for keeping the city's heart united while individual scouse hearts broke. After 27 years, and a long intense inquest, it was finally announced in court today that all 96 fans were 'unlawfully killed' and none of the fans that day were to blame. It's emotionally rewarding to have what the whole city has known for almost 3 decades on formal record. Finally; justice. We never gave up, because no scouser will ever walk alone.
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk
You'll never walk
You'll never walk alone

Monday, 4 April 2016

To be Inspired is to Try Again

On Friday I return to Keele to begin my final six weeks as an undergraduate. I can't believe how quickly these three years have flown, and I really don't want to let go of third year as it's definitely been my all-round favourite of the three. All of the emotion and fear is really trapping my motivation, so I thought I'd share some of the most inspirational quotes I've come across, there's a chance I have a whole pinterest board dedicated to them...

Let's do this third year, come at me dissertations!
Let's do this life, come at me adventures!
