Monday, 21 March 2016

World Poetry Day

In the name of World Poetry Day, here is one of my own original works and whenever I'm feeling a bit down and out I always go back to this poem that I wrote about 6 years ago. It means a lot and no matter what, it always seems to understand.

What the Tombstone Read

I am my own worst enemy
It is I who loves my company.
I'd like to say that I am loved
By more than my true God above.
I can can however not say this,
I've no heart but a dark abyss.
I pray I find a person who,
Can fill me wholly and is true.
This may have happened in my past,
And I turned them away too fast.

If that is so, then I shall die,
With lonely tears left to cry.
The end is near I feel it call.
It engulfs me and makes me small.
Do not fear in peace I shall rest,
Start and end, one beat of your chest.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Nearly Feeling 22

It's officially a month today until I hit the big 22. To say I'm not looking forward to it would be an understatement. I spooked myself out about getting older enough when I turned 21, but at least, that was a significant enough birthday I could distract myself with the hype somewhat. 22 means nothing good, there is no hype. I mean yes, I get to spend the day singing that Taylor Swift song, but to be honest, she lost a part of me when she stopped being country. All 22 signifies is that I'm 'in my twenties', that ethereal era that everyone always wishes they could have back, or been wilder in, so I'm going to plan ahead and make sure I make the most of it. Here are 22 things I am looking forward to about the next decade or so.

1. Graduating from my Degree
As much as I don't want to leave Keele, and I've loved my time here, I can't wait for all my hard work to pay off and have those extra letters at the end of my name.

2. Graduating from my Masters
I still don't know where I'm going to be doing my Masters, but I'm enjoying that, it's exciting. Hopefully I'll adore wherever it is, and I'll feel the same about it as I do Keele.

3. My Summer Holidays
Majorca, California, Cornwall...all coming at me and I can't flipping well wait. That's just this year though, I hope I don't lose my thirst and ability to travel in the next decade, I certainly don't plan to. Trips will definitely be made to Harry Potter World in Florida, and all the other places on my excel spreadsheet of must-visits.

4. Seeing Bruce Springsteen
Alex's parents have yet again been far too kind to me and bought me a ticket to go with the three of them to see Springsteen in June. I'm ridiculously excited!! I hope in the next few years I'm continually as blessed as I have already been in seeing almost every artist I've ever dreamed of.

5. Keeping up the Physical and Mental Health Kick
I really hope I don't go back to where I was, and lose myself to the point where I don't look after anything to do with me; my actual self, my relationships, my work...nopes, that is not the agenda at all.

6. Making it to Comic Con and a One Tree Hill Con
After this year's disappointment with Comic Con tickets, and the fact I probably don't have the money to go to a One Tree Hill convention this year, both are definitely a plan for the future.

7. Writing and Sending Letters to my Favourite 'Stars'
Hilarie Burton and Dave Grohl are getting a letter from me as soon as I have the balls to write one and send one, as famous people so distant from me they have had far too positive impacts upon my life for me not to thank them as personally as I can. I think I might bring back the beautiful art of letter writing by writing to the less famous, but equally great people I have in my life anyway, at least as practice.

8. Getting More Tattoos
I have plans for 3-4 more, but need pennies, a husband and a children... 2 of them (that I might be combining into 1) are very personal to me in that represent my personality, where I've been, where I want to go, and who I think I am. The other two are a something blue for my wedding day, and then the first initial of each of my children's names in their handwriting when they first learn to write their name.

9. Proving that Women can Have it all
I want to be Detective Chief Superintendent, probably within a Child Protection Team. I also want a husband and children of my own, as well as my own 'fun' life with friends and my own imagination. I'm determined to have it, even if I have to give up sleeping. This part will definitely take more than the next 10 years to complete though.

10. Going to Glastonbury
Perhaps with aforementioned husband and children, we'll see, but as music fan there is no way I'm leaving this planet or my 20s before I go to one of the biggest and best music festivals in the world.

11. Continuing to be a Proud Scouser
Lots of people don't seem to understand why anyone could be proud of being from Liverpool, those people need the likes of me to educate them methinks. Seriously though, it's one of the greatest places I have ever had the honour of being in, and no matter how much I've traveled that hasn't changed. Liverpool will always be home, and I will always be scouse.

12. Blogging
No, I'm not the world's greatest blogger with the highest follower count going, but I am a blogger who thoroughly enjoys this hobby, loves looking back on this online diary, and is very grateful for every single reader she's ever had.

13. Accepting More and More of Myself
Counseling last year really taught me how to deal with the fact certain things just aren't my fault, they're other people's problems, and that's ok. It's ok if those things upset me, but they don't need to take control of my life and rack me with guilt. It's also ok that I'm not perfect, and never will be, I'm always going to be 10 minutes late, I'm always going to be 'too' blunt and honest, and I'm probably always going to have really irritating moments of not wanting to communicate or do anything. And all of that is ok. I hope over the next ten years I continue to accept these things while always trying to be better.

14. Living in Two More Places, at Least
I've currently lived in Liverpool, Keele/Stoke and San Antonio, Texas, and as much as I like the number 3, I think 5 is an even better number, so why not live in 5? Or maybe 7 seeing as number 4 will be where I do my Masters, and number 5 will be where I 'settle down'...we'll see...but I'm definitely up for some more gypsying about, maybe it's the Irish in me.

15. Learning How to Cook Without a Recipe
My cooking at uni is dictated by my laziness, but when I make an effort I can actually make really decent food. However, I still have to follow recipes. I'm hoping that changes sooner rather than later, it's the one bit of 'adulting' I'm really quite looking forward to.

16. Keeping in Touch with old Friends, and Making New Ones
I'm really blessed that I've managed to hold to a lot of the closest friends I've ever made, I have a friend from nursery, a couple from primary school, church youth groups, secondary school and sixth form. Now looking to leaving university, I have an idea who I'll stay friends with after graduation (though I'm willing to be surprised of course), and I'm looking forward to making the effort to stay connected with them all. Then of course, new jobs, another degree and the like will open my life up to even more friends, I can't wait.

17. Having a Shoe Closet.
I have a lot of shoes. At the moment, all of my shoes live in my beautiful trunk, but that really is only second best to a full closet with racks for all of them.

18. Investing in the Stock Market
I have no idea why, but I've always wanted to invest in stock. I haven't done so yet as to invest wisely, you need a good lump sum to get started, and I don't have one, but as soon as I do I shall definitely be investing.

19. Reigniting my Ability to Speak French and German
I want to get confident again so when I'm abroad I don't shy away and resort to speaking English. I have decent GCSEs in both so there's no reason I shouldn't do it, plus blasting the 'ignorant English people never learn other languages' stereotype will be great.

20. Finishing/Publishing my Novel
I started a novel when I was 15 and had time for fun writing beyond essay and dissertations, I want to get that time back. The novel may be a load of crap and never be published, but at least, I will have told a story. Maybe I'll end up being interesting and successful enough to one day tell my own story.

21. Having a Shed Full of Building Things
The use of the phrase 'building things' probably shows exactly why I'm not ready for a shed yet, but in the next 10 years I really want to have a shovel, and some power tools, and 2x4s leaning against the wall so I always have things to do and make. If I want a coffee table I can build one, or I want a rose bush in the garden then I can dig a whole for one without having to borrow something or be disappointed I can't dash out to B&Q on an impulse because it's 7pm on a Sunday so it's shut.

22. Continuing on my Faithful Journey
I'm fearfully and wonderfully made, and I'm going to prove it because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

This list took a lot longer than I thought it would to make, and it was actually really cathartic. It's incredibly helpful looking back and seeing how far you've come because you can then get really excited about how far you will go. I would definitely advise everyone to have that little look ahead and think about what they truly want to make of it. Don't get bogged down in what's been, very little of it really matters. All that really matters is that you and the people you care about are happy and haealthy, and making the most of the life we've all been given. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

If the Answer is No, the Reason Should Never be 'Because You're A Woman'

There is every chance this is going to turn into a humongous rant, but I'm hoping to keep in succinct and understandable. I'm a privileged white female, but even I have experienced the odd bit of 'Oh she's a girl, she won't want to/can't do this or that', and it annoyed me no end. I cannot begin to imagine how women who are stopped from doing what they truly desire by ridiculously oppressive rules must feel, it stirs an unbelievable amount of angst within me. To ease into my true (rather aggressive, I'll be honest) feelings about equality and the poor treatment of women, here's a fantastic quote from the great Robin Scherbatsky.

 Every single day women all over the world are told they can't do something. Whether they want it or not is not even considered, it's been decided that they can't have it and that's that. Women are deprived of equal pay, education, the vote, abortions, the ability to drive, independence, safety, jobs, support in the workplace after having children, support when they decide they don't want to have children, the list goes on. There is also a list for men too, I know that, I understand that. And before you ask...

I would say I was a feminist, and feminism is about equality, so I accept completely that males face problems too, but history has helped them out a lot more than it has women and that's a fact. They've been able to vote much longer than women have, across the world their average pay is much higher, they've been able to be leaders much longer than women have meaning that they've been in control of these oppressive rules that backwards thinking folks call 'tradition'.

Ultimately though, it's exactly like Robin's quote implies; it doesn't matter what it is that a person wants to, as long as it doesn't harm others than absolutely nobody has the right or the logic to stop them. If a woman wants to be Prime Minister and send her children to nursery, then don't you dare suggest that she can't. Women leaders haven't hurt the world nearly as much as male ones have, and nursery is good for children. If a woman wants to be a CEO and work 5 days a week, never marry, never have children. Then fine, her decision, if she's happy and runs her company well then her company and its workers will prosper. If a woman wants to have 5 children, and be a housewife while her husband has a high-powered office job then fine. This all, of course, works in exactly the same way for men because, at the end of the day, absolutely nothing is anybody else's business, or an invitation for comment unless it is truly worrying and harmful. As long as a woman is who she wants to be, and isn't told no because of her sex, then it's ok.

Seriously, we all need to stop listening to negativity that is preventing us from achieving what we deserve. If the Suffragettes had listened to the common feeling of the day, who's to say that British women would have ever been given the vote? If Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell had listened to the all of the rejections she received from medical schools, would she have still become a world famous obstetrician? No way.

I'm going to round off with this brilliant comment I read at the end of a half decent Buzzfeed article about International Women's Day:

"Hey, the only way for anyone, man or woman, to influence anything in history is to give no fucks whatsoever. Like, see that dot in the distance? That's the fuck you almost gave. Goodbye fuck.

Now everyone go out and make some fucking history."
